Our Executive Members
BPW Gisborne is a professional networking group made up of inspiring and motivated women who are determined to make a difference. Our members are committed to creating a positive impact in the community, helping each other to succeed and pushing boundaries to achieve great things. Learn about some of them below

Brenda Kinder
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, I came to New Zealand in 2001 thanks to my kiwi Husband and quickly settled into this amazing community.
I joined BPW a few years ago to meet new people and be inspired by likeminded women.
One of the things I enjoy is being part of a great organisation.
BPW has helped me gain confidence in my leadership skills and to get involved by joining the executive committee.

Fiona Evans
Coming soon...

Tracy Robinson
I joined BPW in 2016 because I wanted to meet more women in the workforce.
I enjoy the guest speakers and have made invaluable contacts within the club, some of them growing into special friendships.
One of the ways I found most helpful to get to know people was to get involved in events. I was on the executive a few years ago and found that really interesting so when asked to return 3 years later I agreed to do so.
I am currently the manager of Alzheimer's Gisborne Tairawhiti.

Sherryll Markie-Brookes
In 2013, I was living in Whangarei, launching my own business, studying and looking at how I could connect with other women.
BPW filled my cup in many areas, particularly in mentoring and advocating for women. I have learned so much through being involved in BPW and even more so in my current role at National Executive Secretary.
BPWNZ has a strong influence in Government Policy and members are at the forefront in pushing for equality.
What I have enjoyed the most is supporting our members and National Executive, through my Executive Secretary role.

Alice Kibble
I joined BPW in 2021 to gain new business connections and business. I have a lot of knowledge of the fight for women to get the vote in New Zealand and overseas and have loved sharing that with members.
I have my own business called Ask Alice which focuses on making technology affordable, approachable, and understandable for people of all ages and abilities.
The thing I have enjoyed most about being a member is growing my leadership capabilities by taking on local and national roles.

Susan Gernhoefer
I am new to Gisborne and had been living in India for the 3 years pre-covid.
I have an Accounting remote staffing business based in Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh.
Prior to this, I had my own Accounting Practice in Tauranga for 15 years.
I am a past member of BPW in Tauranga and am interested in meeting and supporting other businesswomen from all walks of life.